MATC training conference in Prešov – new challenges, new possibilities

The MATC training conference took place on April 9-11, 2024, at the helicopter base in Prešov, hosted by the Slovak Republic. The invitation to this event was accepted by all MATC member states, so more than 20 representatives of the training branches attended. The MATC Training leader and acting Director LtCol. Ladislav Zajíček also confirmed the importance of the large participation: “It is an excellent opportunity to not only present the plans for the development of joint training from the MATC directorate perspective, but also to receive direct feedback from the member states”.

The conference was thematically adapted to the locality of the event, so all discussions were on the topic of helicopter aviation – flying in a mountainous environment, Bambi Bucket operation, aerial shooting and training of door gunners, etc.

The event was reflected very positively by all attendees. It is best described by the statement of one of the participants: “Even if it would not be possible to implement any training from the content of this conference, this meeting is still of great importance in the form of mutual information sharing and getting to know each other.

The 51st wing of Prešov deserves a big thank you for creating excellent conditions for the conference. Acknowledgment also belongs to the conference participants for their active approach. The MATC Training leader concludes that this event holds a promise for the future and presents many opportunities for joint projects within MATC. These opportunities should be seized and developed together.

Written by LZ

The meeting of avionic maintenance management specialists in Prešov (SVK)

The representatives of Multinational Aviation Training Centre (MATC) and Training Command – Military Academy (TC – MA) Vyškov (CZE) visited Maintenance Training Organization (MTO) in Prešov (SVK). The main topic of discussion was the exchange of experiences related to the preparation of maintenance personnel. The next meeting is scheduled to take place in MTO Vyškov in June 2024 and will be attended by superior commanders from Air Force commands and the Ministry of Defences. The upcoming meeting will be focused on education and training of the maintenance personnel.

Written by PJ

The 11th meeting of the MATC Steering Committee, Prague

The 11th MATC Steering Committee (SC) meeting was held in Prague (the Czech Republic) on November 23, 2023.

The main SC meeting subjects were the new SC Chairman election, the Programme of Work (POW), the MATC Multinational Budget (MMB) and the MATC FIN Plan for three years approval.

Hungary was designated for the chairmanship. The SC agreed that the next regular meeting of the SC will be held in Hungary in autumn 2024.

At the beginning of the meeting, the members of the SC expressed support for maintaining the project and focusing on changes, using future opportunities with the need for transformation and adapting to new directions of training using the advantages offered by MATC (such as the VAT refund system with the aim of enabling simplified access to training activities).

The MATC’s annual report was presented by MATC acting director LtCol Ladislav Zajíček, followed by a summary in the legal and financial fields, carried on with accomplished training review, MATC internships and, last but not least, AAW activities. Then the training program 2024, the financial plan for the upcoming year and prospectively for a period of three years were presented.

The final part of the SC meeting was devoted to future directions and activities, where, in the context of the current status of MATC personnel shortage, the need to conduct future meetings remotely was mentioned. This could help to maintain continuity in case of the portfolio expansion by training and cooperation with other organizations such as NFTE or MSAP. Training will continue to focus on existing and progressive areas of interest, such as UAS and ground personnel training. One of the ways to improve the face of MATC and promote it more thoroughly in a wider spectrum is to change the MATC key document – the Training catalogue. After the implementation of these changes, it would be possible to consider the expansion of MATC members.

Written by AK

The ceremonial signing of Recognition Certificates

On December 12, 2023, the final Mutual Bilateral Airworthiness Recognition (MBAR) conference was held at the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to NATO in Brussels. The conference was attended by the directors of Military Aviation Authorities (MAA) and the acting MATC Director. During the conference, the directors signed Recognition certificates to certify mutual recognition of procedures for training aircrews, maintenance personnel, Communication, Navigation, and Surveillance (CNS) personnel, and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) at the Multinational Aviation Training Centre (MATC).

Written by PJ

The Framework Agreement on Training on L410 Full Flight Simulator was signed between MATC and Aircraft Industries a.s.

On December 7, 2023, the Framework Agreement on Training on L410 Full Flight Simulator was signed between MATC and Aircraft Industries a.s.

So was formally confirmed the integration of a private entity in the portfolio of MATC facilities, under the auspices of the Czech Republic. MATC can now provide a wide spectrum of L410 Full Flight Simulator Training (such as Type Rating Course, Renewal Training or Recurrent Training) for the Slovak Republic and, in the future, also for other interested MATC Participants.

LtCol Zajíček, MATC Acting Director, and Mr. Hon, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Aircraft Industries a.s., during the signing ceremony in the premises of Aircraft Industries a.s.

Written by PV

Military Tactical Crew Cooperation course

Based on the request of the Slovak side for synthetic flight training focused on the cooperation of multi-member helicopter crews in a military environment, the MTCC (Military Tactical Crew Cooperation) course was implemented in early October 2023.

The training itself took place at the HTP (Helicopter Training Point) in Ostrava under the leadership of the tactical training manager Ing. Ondřej Truxa in cooperation with members of MATC (Multinational Aviation Training Center). The course included an academic part, where doc. Ing. Ondřej Zavila, Ph.D. – a leading expert in the Czech Republic on the issue of flight safety from the VSB Technical University of Ostrava.

The helicopter crews thus received the necessary theoretical training, followed by practical flights on a flight simulator, where their abilities and communication skills were tested in the context of performing tasks in adverse weather conditions and solving emergency procedures. The next phase of training was focused on solving tactical scenarios during group flights of helicopters on a pair of tactical trainers.

Ten members of Slovak Air Force successfully managed a number of difficult situations and the experience they gained will definitely serve them in their future careers in the safe performance of their tasks.

Written by AK

The courses in communication, navigation, and surveillance services were successfully accomplished

In cooperation with MATC, Slovak Air Force Communication, navigation, and surveillance (CNS) specialists attended two short-term courses provided by  „Odbor profesní přípravy“ – Vojenská Akademie Vyškov from 2nd to 13th October 2023.

The courses were specially tailored for SVK CNS specialists and held in the Czech language. The courses consisted of only academic parts, but the subsequent courses are planned with practical parts.

The training syllabuses and training procedures were executed in accordance with the procedures of Air Traffic Safety Electronic Personnel (ATSEP). The main emphasis was solving non-standard situations using a unique simulation device located on the premises of Training Command – Military Academy in Vyškov.

Slovak Air Force personnel had already taken part in similar courses, and the feedback from students and their lecturers had always been positive.  

Slovak representatives are interested in further cooperation, since other CNS courses are relevant for Slovak CNS personnel and can be taught in Vyškov. It is a primary surveillance radar RL-2000 maintenance course.

The Aviation and Airworthiness officer of MATC awarded 7 successful course graduates with certificates and congratulated them on their results.

Written by PJ

The final MBAR meeting

The final meeting of Mutual Bilateral Airworthiness Recognition (MBAR) took place in the Hungarian Ministry of Defence premises on October 9-10, 2023.

The participants agreed on the joint documents to prolong and extend recognition certificates of procedures and rules in training the aircrews, maintenance personnel, ATSEP personnel, and Unmanned Aerial Systems in the scope of MATC elements.

The Recognition certificates will be ceremonially signed during the Aviation Committee in Brussels in December.

In addition, this act has simultaneously confirmed successful cooperation among the Czech, Croatian, Hungarian, and Slovak MAAs not only for the benefit of the MATC but also, in broad scope, for an exchange of lessons learned and further harmonization, implementation of procedures applied in the Air Forces of individual participating countries.

Written by PJ

The Joint Training, Legal and Financial MATC Conference 2022

The Joint Training, Legal and Financial MATC Conference was held from 26th to 27th April 2022 at the MATC Directorate residence in Vyškov, Czech Republic.

The main goal of the MATC Training Conference was to find joint training activities and to start setting up a way of working together for the next period. The main MATC Legal and Financial Conference topics were MATC MoU Amendment No. 1 introduction and the related new contractual framework of LOM PRAHA s.e. products/services provided via MATC, with all legal consequences arising from it. The Conference outputs were introduced during the Training Conference in order to support the upcoming Counter Air Operations (CAO) Training, in which Trainees from all MATC countries will participate.

The Joint MATC conference has definitely fulfilled its purpose and its conclusions have contributed significantly not only to the successful implementation of the July CAO training but also to the consolidation of good relations within MATC.

Written by PV

MATC MoU Amendment No. 1 has been signed

MATC Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Amendment No. 1 has been signed on the level of Military Representatives to the NATO Military Committee during NATO Defence Ministers Meeting, held in Brussels 20 – 21 October 2021.

This Amendment is an outcome of two years lasting effort of MATC Working Group, composed of MATC legal and financial experts, in close cooperation with CZE MoD. One of the main ideas behind the Amendment No. 1 was to add an additional function to the MATC to be able to act not only as the intermediary but also as the provider of services/products in case of contributions that are not in Participants‘ direct ownership and control.

Certified copies of the MATC MoU Amendment No. 1 will be distributed to the MATC Participants in the near future, as well as the HQ SACT will be informed

Written by PV