MATC MoU Amendment No. 1 has been signed

MATC Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Amendment No. 1 has been signed on the level of Military Representatives to the NATO Military Committee during NATO Defence Ministers Meeting, held in Brussels 20 – 21 October 2021.

This Amendment is an outcome of two years lasting effort of MATC Working Group, composed of MATC legal and financial experts, in close cooperation with CZE MoD. One of the main ideas behind the Amendment No. 1 was to add an additional function to the MATC to be able to act not only as the intermediary but also as the provider of services/products in case of contributions that are not in Participants‘ direct ownership and control.

Certified copies of the MATC MoU Amendment No. 1 will be distributed to the MATC Participants in the near future, as well as the HQ SACT will be informed

Written by PV

The 9th MATC Steering Committee Meeting

The 9th MATC Steering Committee Meeting was held on 20th October 2021 at the Croatian military air-base Zemunik – Zadar, Croatia.
The main SC meeting subjects were the new SC Chairman election, the Plan of Work (POW), MATC Multinational Budget (MMB) and MATC FIN Plan 2023 – 2025 approval.

As a new SC Chairman was voted BG Robert Tóth, SVK AF Commander, by SC members. The next regular SC meeting is agreed to be held in Slovakia in autumn 2022.

The status of the MATC Directorate was reported, followed by a summary of MATC’s training activities with a view to next year and possible future new training opportunities. The success of MATC MBAR project conducted in cooperation with participating nations MAAs and its continuation was emphasized.

Steering committee members were also informed about the status of the amendment to the MATC MoU, following work on a functional and convenient legal framework, such as the MATC Credit Mechanism and the VAT Refund System, aiming to allow simplified access to certain products provided through MATC.

Written by PŠ

Written by PŠ

Courses for Slovak aeronautical radio navigation service specialists

The graduation ceremony for the specialists from Slovak aeronautical radio navigation service was held on the premises of the Multinational Aviation Training Centre (MATC) on Friday, November 12, 2021.

The MATC Airworthiness Officer awarded 7 successful course graduates with certificates and congratulated them on the results achieved.

All courses were hold in Czech language and were tailored to the requirements of Slovak Air Forces Military. The lectors of the Military Academy of Vyškov educated  these courses with focus on ILS (Instrument Landing System) and DME (Distance Measuring Equipment).

The RL-4AM radiolocator course was extended to familization with radiolocator RL-2000.

Written by PJ

Global Defence Helicopter meeting in Warsaw

The MATC representatives (Director and Airworthiness Officer) attended the Global Defence Helicopter in Warsaw, which was held in November 2021. The MATC main presented topics were differences between live and simulated training, and the second topic was aimed to clarify benefits of signed  MBAR for MATC participants.

Written by PJ

MATC MBAR meeting – Liptovský Mikuláš (SVK)

The first MATC Aviation and Airworthiness meeting after ceremonial signature of MBAR (Mutual Bilateral Airworthiness Recognition) in 2019 took place from 5th to 6th of October 2021 in Liptovský Mikuláš, the Slovak Republic. The meeting was organized by the MATC Directorate in coordination with the Slovak Military Aviation Authority (MAA).

In two days, subject-matter experts were discussing the following topics:
– assessment of the MBAR current state,
– the state of implementation of EMAR’s into the national environment, military regulations or decrees,
– the process of recognition of national authorities by the NATO side (knowledge, experience, positives and negatives),
– the current status of MATC – ongoing courses and outlook for the upcoming years.

Besides that, the meeting attendees had an opportunity to visit the simulation centre in Armed Forces Academy Liptovský Mikuláš.

Written by PJ