The 10th MATC Steering Committee Meeting in Zvolen (SVK)

The 10th MATC Steering Committee (SC) Meeting was held on 5th October 2022 at the Slovak Air Force HQ in Zvolen, Slovakia.

The main SC meeting subjects were the new SC Chairman election, the Plan of Work (POW), MATC Multinational Budget (MMB) and MATC FIN Plan 2024 – 2026 approval.

As a new SC Chairman, MG Petr Mikulenka was elected by SC members. The next regular SC meeting was agreed to be held in the Czech Republic in autumn 2023.

The annual MATC report was presented by the MATC director, Col. Karel Valvoda, followed by a summary of MATC’s training as well as AAW activities. Then the plan for the upcoming year and later on new legal and financial procedures were introduced. Steering committee members were also briefly informed about the current manning status of MATC, few replacements have recently occurred, some others are still pending.

In line with implementation of new MATC role after latest Operational MOU Amendment, new financial procedures were introduced to set up efficient acquiring process when dealing either with military or commercial training provider. This new framework includes benefits for every MATC participating country, such as the Credit Mechanism or the VAT Refund System, aiming to allow simplified access to training activities provided via MATC.

Written by TF

MATC training conference in Zvolen

On October 4, 2022, the planned MATC training conference took place, this time hosted by the headquarters of the Slovak Air Force in Zvolen. This meeting of representatives of the MATC training branch preceded the meeting of the MATC steering committee, which took place the following day.

The goal of this training conference was not to open completely new questions in the field of training due to the limited time frame. The main points were the coordination of the activities listed in the MATC Program of Work for 2023, the evaluation of the ongoing training and to express the initial feedback from the recent Site Survey in Szolnok (HUN). The most fruitful discussion took place over the method of coordinating the CAO (Counter Air Operations) training in 2023, the positive result of which was the confirmation of the intention by all MATC parties to continue this cooperation in the form of two joint CAO trainings next year.

In 2023, the MATC training branch is expecting three training conferences, with the intention to combine each of them with a site survey of an interesting place offering new training opportunities. The next training conference should be hosted by the Czech Republic in the spring of next year.

written by LZ

Site Survey Szolnok (Hungary)

On September 21 and 22, members of the MATC training branch led by the current MATC training leader LTC Ladislav Zajíček participated in the Site Survey of the military base in Szolnok (HUN). The offer to participate in this visit was used by all MATC member states, which sent their representatives to familiarize themselves with the possible types of training for international cooperation within the MATC. The main objectives of the visit were training on the Mi-17 flight simulator, tactical training of helicopter crews and water survival training. Furthermore, the participants had the opportunity to receive the necessary information about JTAC training options and the UAS (unmanned aerial systems) operator training program. Last but not least, all squadrons were introduced including their capabilities, flight platforms and main tasks. The main representatives of these units then attended a joint dinner hosted by the Hungarian side.

The time spent in Hungary was evaluated very positively by all parties and brought a lot of inputs to the discussion for developing new opportunities for cooperation within the MATC. In conclusion, a big thank you from MATC to the Hungarian side for its hospitality and helpfulness in organizing this meeting.

written by LZ