Based on the request of the Slovak side for synthetic flight training focused on the cooperation of multi-member helicopter crews in a military environment, the MTCC (Military Tactical Crew Cooperation) course was implemented in early October 2023.

The training itself took place at the HTP (Helicopter Training Point) in Ostrava under the leadership of the tactical training manager Ing. Ondřej Truxa in cooperation with members of MATC (Multinational Aviation Training Center). The course included an academic part, where doc. Ing. Ondřej Zavila, Ph.D. – a leading expert in the Czech Republic on the issue of flight safety from the VSB Technical University of Ostrava.
The helicopter crews thus received the necessary theoretical training, followed by practical flights on a flight simulator, where their abilities and communication skills were tested in the context of performing tasks in adverse weather conditions and solving emergency procedures. The next phase of training was focused on solving tactical scenarios during group flights of helicopters on a pair of tactical trainers.
Ten members of Slovak Air Force successfully managed a number of difficult situations and the experience they gained will definitely serve them in their future careers in the safe performance of their tasks.
Written by AK