The Basic Course for UAV pilot-operators finished

The Basic Course for UAV pilot-operators facilitated by the University of Defence Brno, Czech Republic and coordinated by MATC from 1st to19th October 2018 has been successfully finished. The Course attended thirteen recruited UAV pilot-operators from Czech and Slovak armed forces. They were educated in the field of basic aviation issues and airworthiness and airspace management. MATC secured the Subject-Matter Expert from USAF who delivered classes for specified disciplines. Trainees obtained certificates from the University of Defence Brno and the MATC representatives on the last day of the Course. The next course for UAV pilots is planned for the year 2019.

Written by JD

The 6th MATC Steering Committee Meeting

The 6th MATC Steering Committee Meeting was held on 25th September 2018 in Prešov, Slovak Republic. SC Meeting in Prešov was the second one held out of the Lead Nation territory and was extraordinary because of the recent MATC activation as a NATO Military Body. 

The main meeting subjects were new SC Chairman election, the Plan of Work (POW), MATC Multinational Budget (MMB) and Recognition Process Agreement (RPA) approval, as well as the MATC activation status report and the MATC training activities summary. As a new SC Chairman was chosen by SC members BG Petr Hromek, CZ AF Commander. The next regular SC meeting in autumn 2019 is going to be held in the Czech Republic.

Written by RH