The second course for UAV pilot-operators at University of Defence Brno, Czech Republic

The second Basic Course for UAV pilot-operators facilitated by the University of Defence Brno, Czech Republic in term 01-19 OCT 2018 has been successfully finished. The Course attended thirteen recruited UAV pilot-operators from Czech and Slovak armed forces under coordination of the MATC. Trainees were educated in the field of basics of aviation and airworthiness and the management and use of airspace. Trainees obtained certificates from the University of Defence Brno and the MATC representatives on the last day of the Course. The next course for UAV pilots is planned for the year 2019 as well.

Written by PŠ

MATC Training Conference in Vyškov

The 3rd MATC Training Conference was held in Vyškov Military Academy (MATC Directorate, CZE) from 30th September to 3rd October 2019.

The main aim of the Conference was to evaluate courses and training organized by MATC and to familiarize the MATC community with the lessons learned gained from these activities. Other topics covered MATC planned training and new training project proposals.

The TRG Leader informed also about the Site Survey of German Air Force Simulation Control Centre (Cologne, GER). The goal of this visit was to receive basic information about “Distributed Training” possibilities for the future MATC training. The main task of the DEU Air Force Simulation Control Centre is to interconnect the tactical weapons systems simulators of German Air Force via a network to execute Distributed Mission Operations, and the MATC is looking for options how to link this unique centre with already existing simulators within MATC countries.

The last, but not least objective of the 3rd MATC Training Conference was to cooperate and share information with parallel ongoing MATC Legal and Financial conferences, and to prepare background materials for the MATC Steering Committee Meeting, which was held at the same place on 2nd of October.

 Written by ZK

The 3rd MBAR visit in Budapest

The Military Airworthiness Authorities (MAA) of CZE, HRV and SVK completed the third on-site visit of the State Aviation Department of the Hungarian Ministry of Defence (MAA HUN) in the period from
24th to 26th September.

The On-Site visit aim was focused on the assessment of MAA HUN for recognition purpose. European Military Airworthiness Document (EMAD-R) and Military Authorities Recognition Questionsets (MARQs) were used as the main reference documents and tools. MAA HUN manning, internal structure, regulatory frameworks, and the applied procedures have been assessed as compliant with the required criteria. Representatives of assessing MAAs agreed upon that there is no objection to signing the Recognition Certificate for MAA HUN. Final Assessment Report and individual Recognition Certificates are expected to be approved and signed during the MAA director’s meeting scheduled in Prague in December 2019.
On-Site visits will be accomplished in Slovakia during the last October week.


Written by PJ

The 2nd MATC Legal and Financial Conference

The 2nd MATC Legal and Financial Conference was held on 1st October 2019 at the MATC Directorate residence in Vyškov, Czech Republic, followed by MATC Steering Committee Meeting on 2nd October 2019.

The main MATC Legal and Financial Conference subjects were MATC Directorate status and tax issue report, Legal Framework of products or services provided via MATC and the MATC MoU amendment proposal in connection with finding the functional and convenient legal framework of products provided via MATC. The Conference outputs were introduced during the SC Meeting and consensus has been reached to initiate the MATC MoU amendment and to establish the legal and financial working group in order to create a unified system of credit mechanism payment.

 Written by PV

The 7th MATC Steering Committee Meeting

The 7th MATC Steering Committee Meeting was held on 2nd October 2019 at the MATC Directorate residence in Vyškov, Czech Republic. SC Meeting was preceded by Training, Legal and Financial conferences, held on 1st October 2019.
The main SC meeting subjects were the new SC Chairman election, the Plan of Work (POW) and MATC Multinational Budget (MMB) approval, as well as the MATC Directorate status report, MATC training activities summary and MATC MoU amendment proposal  in connection with finding the functional and convenient legal framework of some products provided via MATC. 
As a new SC Chairman was chosen by SC members, BG Nándor Kilián, HUNAF Inspector. The next regular SC meeting in autumn 2020 is going to be held in Hungary.

 Written by PV