Military Crew Resource Management (M-CRM) training for Air Crews starts!

In response to the European Commission Regulation 1178/2011 concerning requirements towards civilian crews, MATC designed CRM basic course, adapted to the military crews needs with considerations to the specific aircraft types and flight procedures.

The main goal of CRM basic course is to foster the multi-crew competencies and implement the human factors lessons identified into the military crews training to pursue the constant process of enhancing the military operational flight safety.

To achieve the high level of training value, the CRM course is intended to be composed of both theoretical and practical part. Flight Training Centre (CLV) Pardubice will cover the first part, whereas the practical part using the simulator will be provided by HTP Ostrava.

In the theoretical part, certified CRM instructors will cover among others human factors and error management, decision-making process in a crew hierarchy, fatigue, stress factors, situational awareness, personality and teamwork (16hours). Theory will be followed by practical simulator exercises aimed at crew roles definitions, CRM aspects in flight briefings/debriefings and selected normal/abnormal/emergency flight procedures from CRM perspective (3 hours).

Optimal number of trainees is 10-12 per course. Please contact MATC directorate for further information.

Written by JD

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