The Military Airworthiness Authorities (MAA) of CZE, HRV and SVK completed the third on-site visit of the State Aviation Department of the Hungarian Ministry of Defence (MAA HUN) in the period from
24th to 26th September.
The On-Site visit aim was focused on the assessment of MAA HUN for recognition purpose. European Military Airworthiness Document (EMAD-R) and Military Authorities Recognition Questionsets (MARQs) were used as the main reference documents and tools. MAA HUN manning, internal structure, regulatory frameworks, and the applied procedures have been assessed as compliant with the required criteria. Representatives of assessing MAAs agreed upon that there is no objection to signing the Recognition Certificate for MAA HUN. Final Assessment Report and individual Recognition Certificates are expected to be approved and signed during the MAA director’s meeting scheduled in Prague in December 2019.
On-Site visits will be accomplished in Slovakia during the last October week.

Written by PJ