On Friday 15th February 2019 was successfully finished the 9th Operational English Language Course for RW (Rotary Wing) Door Gunners, Flight Engineers, and Pilots (OELC-DG/FE/P-9). The course lasted from 21st January till 15th February 2019 and was held in the facility of the Helicopter Training Point (HTP) in Ostrava – Mošnov, Czech Republic.
This traditional, very useful and popular four-week language training is coordinated by MATC (Multinational Aviation Training Centre) and besides crew from Czech Air Force participated also crews from Hungary, Slovakia, and Croatia.
The course was instructed by two experienced British Qualified Helicopter Tactics Instructors (QHTI) and was focused on operational English language training with the aim to unify and standardize English terminology used by NATO aircrews to increase mutual interoperability among member states.

Written by ZK