About us

The objective of MATC is to provide a broad spectrum of training for aircrews and maintenance specialists by optimizing the use of existing capacities and capabilities offered by the Participants (CZE, HRV, HUN, SVK). In fulfilling this objective, the MATC will not possess any direct training capabilities. These capabilities will be provided by the Participants, while remaining in their control and ownership.

The MATC enables the Participants to harmonize and standardize aviation training and education, enhance their quality level, improve interoperability and capabilities of their respective forces, and take an active role in the development of training standards and concepts and their practical validation. Intensive cooperation within the MATC will strengthen mutual confidence between the Participants, further harmonize their national procedures, and improve interoperability, which in time may facilitate the establishment of multinational task forces or units and their joint deployment to areas of operations led by NATO, the EU, the UN, or other international organization.

The multinational effort within MATC has been initiated on the basis of Mi-type helicopters; however, other aviation platforms and capabilities (other helicopters, fixed-wing, remotely piloted platforms, and Joint Terminal Attack Controllers) may be incorporated as early as technically feasible. The cooperative mechanism of MATC should be maintained even if the Participants change their aviation platforms. It is desirable to increase the number of nations participating in the MATC.

In addition, the MATC may also support the development of other capabilities not falling within its scope and activities, such as direct training within the MATC and/or deployment of expert teams while contributing to stabilization and reconstruction efforts led by NATO, the EU, the UN, or other international organization.

The MATC project key milestones


  • the initiative of the Czech Republic to establish a training centre for aviation specialists
  • the Multinational Project Team (MPT) and Working Groups were established.
  • the Concept of MATC has been developed


  • MATC project was accepted by NATO Summit in Chicago (USA)


  • the signature of the Letter of Intent (LoI),
  • participating countries: Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia and United States of America


  • operational MoU development 


  • 24 June – the signature of the MATC “operational” MoU by participating countries: Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary and Slovakia. Full support to the MATC project and interest to participate in future MATC activities were declared by the USA during the MoU signature ceremony.
  • 1 July – MATC Directorate establishment
  • 17 September – Steering Committee inaugural meeting
  • 17 September – Process for reaching MATC Initial Operational Capabilities (IOC) has been started
  • MATC functional MoU finalization


  • January – Training Cataloque released
  • 29 September – MATC functional MOU signed


  • October – Formal Request for the MATC activation of an NMB signing (by the Czech CHOD) and sending to HQ SACT


  • January – MATC activation documentation forwarded from HQ SACT to IMS NATO
  • July – IMS silent procedure termination
  • September – NAC silent procedure termination and MATC activation


  • September – MATC Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Amendment No. 1 has been signed